How To Play

Shuffle the Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary decks and place them on the corresponding spots on the board.

Shuffle the light sand tiles and place them on the light border spaces on the board. Shuffle the Deep Sand tiles and place them on the dark border tile spaces. Shuffle the Water tiles and place them on the blue border tile spaces on the board.

Each player chooses a Character Card. After that, each player chooses a color and take their matching Star and Dig tokens. All players place their Star tokens in the Start area. Each player starts with 10 Monies.

Set up the Beachfront Shack by drawing 4 Common, 3 Uncommon, 2 Rare, and 1 Legendary Treasure cards from the decks. Shuffle the cards and place them on the Shop Deck space. Draw and place a single card, face up, on both Question Mark spaces.

Each player rolls the Moves Die to determine who goes first, then gameplay continues clockwise.